Thursday, June 25, 2009

Teens having plastic surgery?!?!

There has been a long debate about plastic surgery and how it may or may not help with self esteem and body image issues. However, this debates seems more important with the rise in teenagers having plastic surgery and altering their bodies. According to the cover story in today's USA Today,Cosmetic Surgeries: What Children Will Do to Look 'Normal', over 160,000 children had plastic surgery in 2008. The story mentions surgeries ranging from creating an outer ear to a teenage girl who had liposuction because she felt her calves were too thick. Which one or both constitute the surgery being medically necessary? Does psychological well being justify plastic surgery? To find out more about the topic, check out these resources from our collection:

Made Over in America (DVD)
P96 .I34 M3346x 2007

Straight Talk About Cosmetic Surgery
R118 .P47 2007

Beauty Junkies: inside our $15 billion obsession with cosmetic surgery
RD118 .K83 2006

Body Image: understanding dissatisfaction in men, women, and children
BF 697.5 .B63 G76 2008

The Media and Body Image: if looks could kill
P94.6 .W95 2005

P94.6 .C376 2006

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