Monday, March 23, 2009

How Do You Identify Yourself?

Schools will now be offering more choices for students to identify themselves. Students of multiracial heritage will no longer have to decide which race they identify with the most. They can check multiple boxes, according to an article in the Washington Post, Multiracial Pupils to Be Counted in a New Way, by Michael Alison Chandler and Maria Glod. To learn more about multiracial identities, check out these books from our collection:

Mixed Messages: multiracial identities in the "color-blind" era
HT 1521 M58 2006

Navigating the Future: social identity, coping, and life tasks
HM 753 .N38 2005

After Race: racism after multiculturalism
HT 1521 .D37 2004

The Trouble with Diversity: how we learned to love identity and ignore inequality
HM 90 .S6 M49 2006

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